Friday, November 2, 2007

Porochista Khakpour, Victoria Redel & Melvin Jules Bukiet Read in November!

The Enclave is pleased to announce that we have booked Porochista Khakpour, Victoria Redel and Melvin Jules Bukiet for our next reading scheduled for Saturday November 17th 4-7 at Kenny’s Castaways. If you haven’t read Ms. Khakpour's debut novel Sons and Other Flammable Objects, you should check it out. The same goes for Ms. Redel's and Mr. Bukiet's books. Take a look the writers' bios and websites below:

Porochista Khakpour attended Sarah Lawrence College and the Johns Hopkins University Writing Seminars MA program, where she was awarded the Elliot Coleman Fellowship. Her writing has appeared in the Chicago Reader, The Village Voice,, Paper, Nylon, Gear, Alef, Raygun,, Flaunt, Bikini, Bidoun, and, among others. Her debut novel, Sons and Other Flammable Objects, was a New York Times "Editor's Choice" and Chicago Tribune "Fall's Best." She currently lives in New York City.

Victoria Redel is the author of two books of poetry and three books of fiction. Her latest novel is The Border of Truth. Her novel Loverboy was awarded the 2001 S. Mariella Gable Novel Award and the 2002 Forward Silver Literary Fiction Prize and was chosen in 2001 as a Los Angeles Times Best Book. Her most recent collection of poems, Swoon was a finalist for the James Laughlin Award. Her work has appeared in numerous magazines and journals including O the Oprah magazine, Redbook, Bomb, More and NOON. She teaches at Sarah Lawrence College.

Melvin Jules Bukiet is the author of seven books of fiction, most recently the novel Strange Fire and the collection A Faker's Dozen. He has also edited three anthologies. He teaches at Sarah Lawrence College.

Stay tuned. The rest of the line up will be posted shortly along with pictures from our October reading.

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