Friday, February 8, 2008

Douglas A. Martin, Nick Burd, and Others Read Sat Feb. 23rd @ 4PM

Festival of The Earth in my Mouth
February 23, 2008 4 pm
Kenny's Castaways
157 Bleecker Street
Greenwich Village, New York

"My mouth is filled with earth... My mouth is filled with you, with your mouth. Your tightly closed lips, pressing hard, biting into mine... I swallow foamy saliva; I chew clumps of dirt crawling with worms that knot in my throat and push against the roof of my mouth... My mouth caves in, contorted, lacerated by gnawing, devouring teeth. My nose grows spongy. My eyeballs liquefy. My hair burns a single bright blaze..." - ????

Know where this quote comes from? Come to Kenny's on the 23rd and find out.

The Readers:

DOUGLAS A. MARTIN is the author most recently of a poetry collection, In the Time of Assignments, just out from Soft Skull Press. His prose works include Branwell, a novel of the Bronte brother (Soft Skull 2005), They Change the Subject, a book of stories (University of Wisconsin 2005), and Your Body Figured, an experimental narrative forthcoming this September from Nightboat Books. Outline of My Lover, Martin's first novel, was an International Book of the Year in the Times Literary Supplement and adapted in part by the Forsythe Company for their multimedia ballet and live film "Kammer/Kammer." "The Day Outlying," his essay on the autobiographical and fiction, is included in the collection Biting the Error: Writers Explore Narrative (Coach House Books). Raised in Georgia, he now lives in Brooklyn. He teaches writing at The New School University and in the Low-Residency MFA Writing Program at Goddard College.

NICK BURD received his MFA from the New School and currently works for PEN American Center, the world's oldest human rights organization. His essay "Afterlife" appeared in Generation What?: Dispatches from the Quarter-Life Crisis (Speck Press). His first novel THE VAST FIELDS OF ORDINARY is forthcoming from Dial Books. He lives in Brooklyn, NY.

works for the NYC Teaching Fellows in Brooklyn. He was recently an intern on the WNYC program, "Radio Rookies," and helped produce several teenagers' stories from the Staten Island workshop. He writes fiction and this is his first reading in New York.

E.N. Clave gets Arrested in Mexico

So apparently E. N. Clave has managed to get himself arrested down in Mexico. We're not really sure what the deal is, but apparently it has something to do with him trying to get out of a ticket for running a red light somewhere outside of Puebla. We've dispatched our corespondent P.S. Nasty to get to the bottom of this. So stay tuned, as we will be posting the entire story shortly.